Exploring the Benefits of Outdoor Group Fitness

Written By: San Ramon
Exploring the Benefits of Outdoor Group Fitness

About 32% of seniors report doing no extra physical activity outside of their jobs or normal tasks. Many seniors think their days of exercise are behind them, but this shouldn't be the case. Health and fitness is a lifelong journey.

To combat this, senior care communities often provide fitness classes. These fitness classes can help seniors get back on their feet in a safe and fun environment.

But are outdoor group fitness classes worth the effort? We think so. Read on to learn some of the top benefits of these fun fitness classes we offer at our senior living community for residents.

Physical Health Benefits

Outdoor group fitness classes in senior living communities are wonderful for seniors' physical health. They cater specifically to seniors, offering low-impact exercises that are gentle on joints and adaptable to individual fitness levels. Taking part in these fitness classes can help seniors improve many aspects of their physical health.

First, let's talk about cardiovascular health. Regular exercise helps maintain healthy blood flow, reducing the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. Seniors in senior care communities should take measures to keep their blood pressure low and their hearts healthy, and cardio is an excellent way to do that.

Even walking in place and other light cardio exercises can be excellent for the heart.

Strength and flexibility get more important as we age. Gentle exercises like yoga or tai chi improve muscle strength, flexibility, and balance, reducing the risk of falls and injuries. Building strength also helps with functional activities, like standing up from a chair or the floor.

Exercises that challenge balance and coordination, like tai chi or dance-based workouts, help prevent falls and improve overall mobility. They can help seniors stay mobile for as long as possible. They're also fun enough that they're sustainable forms of exercise.

Social Benefits

We can't overstate the importance of socializing for seniors. Social isolation can be dangerous. Group exercise classes in a senior community can be incredibly beneficial for meeting new people and forming bonds.

Exercising outdoors with others provides a sense of community and social connection, which is crucial for seniors' mental and emotional well-being.

Socializing with like-minded individuals with similar interests creates lasting connections and a sense of belonging. By going to the fitness classes, seniors can find other people with similar interests. This may help them form new friendships and can encourage them to work out more often.

Group fitness classes provide encouragement and accountability from others. This can help seniors stay motivated and engaged, and thus more likely to continue with their fitness regimen.

Because the classes are outdoors, they may have a greater chance of attracting new people walking by, meaning more seniors will engage in fitness!

Mental Health Benefits

Outdoor group fitness classes have a profound impact on seniors' mental health. Mental health is just as important as physical health in old age.

Exercise and social interaction help manage stress and anxiety, improving overall mental well-being. Stress is more dangerous than most people think. It ages the brain and may contribute to fatigue and illness.

Exercise causes the body to release endorphins. Endorphins are nature's pain relievers, and they can help alleviate anxiety and depression. While the body releases more endorphins with strenuous exercise, even light exercise from an outdoor group fitness class is enough for a quick mental boost.

On that note, vitamin D from sunlight can also provide a mood boost. Even being out in nature amongst the trees and grass can help boost mental health.

Social connection and physical activity from group fitness classes may reduce symptoms of depression and prevent feelings of loneliness. The mental boost from this simple group activity can be immense.

Regular exercise and social stimulation help seniors maintain cognitive function and reduce the risk of dementia. Even the act of learning new things (in this case, learning new exercises and movements) can help seniors remain in a better mental state.

As people age, doctors center senior care around physical health. While that's important, mental health still matters. Outdoor group fitness classes can help with both.

Additional Benefits

There are many other benefits of outdoor group fitness classes in a senior community that don't fit quite so neatly into boxes.

First, exercising outdoors provides essential vitamin D and fresh air. Many people are vitamin D deficient, so this can be helpful. Fresh air, provided the seniors don't have seasonal allergies, can be refreshing and may also help boost mental health.

Outdoor settings offer beautiful and unique scenery, even if the senior exercise classes are just happening on the grounds of the senior living community. This scenery promotes a sense of connection to nature and reduces stress. It also keeps things fresh and makes working out seem less repetitive because there may be things going on outside.

Group fitness classes make exercise feel less like a chore. They provide a fun and social atmosphere. Exercising feels more like "hanging out" with the other members of the community, which may encourage better fitness and sticking to a routine.

Regular exercise and social interaction help regulate sleep patterns. This leads to better rest and recovery, as well as better physical and mental health. Exercise and social stimulation also boost energy levels, making daily activities easier and more enjoyable.

It's also important for seniors to maintain goals as they age; through exercise, our residents can set various physical goals for themselves and feel a sense of accomplishment as they reach them.

Outdoor Group Fitness Classes: Healthy and Fun

Are outdoor group fitness classes right for you or a senior in your life? They help with physical health, of course, but they also have incredible benefits for mental health, social well-being, and so much more.

Don't exercise alone. Turn it into a fun social activity by taking outdoor group fitness classes.

At The Watermark in San Ramon, we offer so many fantastic amenities to our residents. We have a robust wellness program that includes many fantastic fitness classes that seniors can take together. Staying fit and healthy doesn't have to stop in your golden years!

If you're interested in our senior living community and want to know more about our senior activities, reach out for more information today.

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